“He returns cynically to the origin of classic sculpture and from there he corrupts it immediately in a mannerist way. He is not political nor conceptual, he could even be accused of being trivial and apparently conventional. He did not chose to do “what is expected” from a contemporary artist.
(…) It is the resistance of matter to the controlled effort of the artist’s hands. It is the energy that generates a torsion in Marin’s characters and makes us go around them, as if we were part of the art work. Its effect is similar to the arrival of puberty when the senses awake and are exalted with the least provocation.”
–Agustin Arteaga, art critic.
I would like, through my work, to be able to
touch people deeply, to create a reflection of the things
that “do not exist for them,” to discover things and make
others discover places they have
not been able to reach
by themselves.
Perhaps these are aspirations of fantasy,
but what would one do if there were no more dreams? --Javier Marin
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